AML / CFT Regulations in UAE
The UAE has robust AML/CFT regulations in place to combat money laundering and terrorism financing. The regulations outline the responsibilities of financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, and other businesses, to implement and maintain effective AML/CFT policies and procedures.

“Money laundering is the process of converting illegally obtained funds into legitimate money or assets. It involves concealing the source of illegal funds and disguising them as legitimate assets”.
“Terrorist financing refers to the provision of funds to support or facilitate terrorism activities. The act of providing financial support to terror groups poses a significant threat to security, as legitimate business services can also be used to fund such activities”.
Some key components to build an effective AML/CFT compliance program in the UAE include:
Initial Assessment
Governance framework, appointing a compliance officer & ensuring adequate staff screening
Internal controls and policies
Establishing, documenting and updating policies & procedures manuals, and safeguards.
Risk Assessment
Review of customer risk assessment methodology
Assisting in the development of a customer risk assessment model considering NRA guidelines
Assisting in preparation of Risk Register – Risk identification and mitigation
AML/CFT Software Advisory and Setup
Assistance in the selection of appropriate AML/CFT software
Conduct software demos
Review of existing core solutions, risk profiling, screening, and monitoring software solutions
MIS and reporting of suspicious activities
Assistance in registration on the goAML Portal
Guidance to AML Compliance Officer for performing his day-to-day function
Assistance in the preparation of statutory reports, if required
Assistance in Screening of customers and counterparty
Conducting Audits/reviews as per statutory requirements
KYC and Customer due diligence
Maintaining adequate risk-based CDD and ongoing monitoring procedures.
Record keeping & Documentation
Periodic review of onboarding documentation and transactions
Assistance in the preparation of documentation standards
Regulatory Remediation
Assisting businesses in addressing regulatory issues and deficiencies identified by regulatory authorities.
To remediate any compliance gaps and ensure the business meets regulatory expectations.
Working with PnPC Global for AML/CFT compliance provides a number of benefits and we are a leading provider of professional services in the UAE. Our expertise and experience in AML/CFT compliance make us the ideal choice for clients looking for an assistance and to meet their AML/CFT compliance requirements.